SPECTRUM NEWS 1: Cannabis leaders call on the state to stop “excessive” taxation

By Joseph Pimentel Source: https://spectrumnews1.com/ca/orange-county/business/2021/12/20/cannabis-leaders-call-on-the-state-to-stop–excessive–taxation Ingrid Tsong’s cannabis business is on the verge of bankruptcy. As an independent farmer and co-founder of Beija Flor Farms in Mendocino, Tsong had to pull out money from her 401K to make it through the cannabis harvest season. “We have been scraping by,” said Tsong. “Given market prices, I’m […]
MJBIZDAILY: Nearly 60 Los Angeles cannabis businesses poised to lose licenses on New Year’s Day

By John Shroyer Source: https://mjbizdaily.com/nearly-60-los-angeles-cannabis-businesses-poised-to-lose-licenses-on-jan-1-2021/ At least 57 licensed cannabis companies in Los Angeles are poised to see their business permits yanked by city authorities at the end of the year – with no obvious way to get the licenses reinstated. The licensees in question – which appear to be a mixture of retailers, distributors […]